Some Florida couples might find they are arguing more about political differences since the last presidential election. According to a recent survey by Wakefield Research, 22 percent of people said they knew a couple whose relationship had suffered because of the election of Donald Trump.
The survey, which gathered data from 1,000 participants between April 12 and 18, also found that 10 percent of couples said they had split up over political differences. The rate went up to 22 percent among millennials. Although finances are a common area of conflict for couples, more than 20 percent of respondents said that they had been fighting more about politics than money over the past six months.
One divorce lawyer reports a similar experience with clients. She said that in 35 years of practicing matrimonial law, she had not seen as many divorces resulting from political differences as she had since the most recent presidential election.
Whether a couple ends a marriage over politics, finances or other issues, they may find it difficult to negotiate property division and child custody agreements. However, if they cannot reach an agreement, a judge will make the decision. Because California is a community property state, most assets acquired by either person since marriage are considered marital property. Both people may also be considered equally responsible for any debts. However, this does not necessarily mean that all property must be divided 50/50. With help from a lawyer, a couple might be able to reach a solution in which each keeps certain assets of roughly equal value.